Council owns and operates transfer stations. All of these sites are managed in accordance with appropriate plans and consent conditions.
Council provides rubbish and recycling pick up services. Below is information on what CAN and CAN’T be recycled.
Plastics that are market 1-2 can be recycled. Plastics marked 3-7 cannot be recycled. Examples of plastics that cannot be recycled include:
- polystyrene,
- fabric
- soft plastic bags,
- dirty nappies,
- fast food bags, (with or without leftovers),
- broken household items (chairs, buckets etc.)
- Put these items in your rubbish.
Items that were dirty, unrinsed or had food waste on them. Examples of these are:
- Unrinsed milk bottle containers.
- Unwashed dog food cans.
- Pizza boxes with food sticking to the cardboard.
- Fast-food packaging that is greasy and has food scraps.
Rinse items or if that is not possible, put them in your rubbish.
Items that contain potentially hazardous material, such as chemicals, paint or oil, cannot be recycled.
Bottles with lids, caps or tops, cannot be recycled. Remove the lids, caps or tops and put them in the rubbish bin.