

Our stormwater activity provides for the collection and disposal of stormwater predominantly in the urban environment. Stormwater drainage systems are provided in the Ōpōtiki township and the Waiotahi Drifts subdivision with a view to mitigate surface flooding following rainfall. Council is involved in this activity to fulfil its legal obligations for the control of stormwater systems and to ensure the protection of public health and property.

You can use our online map service to

  • See aerial photography of properties
  • Find the location of council-owned water, wastewater and stormwater pipes
  • Click on a property to view Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) data
  • Measurement and drawing tools are included.

If you want to connect to the town’s storm water system you can contact the Ōpōtiki District Council.

Water Supply

Our water supply activity provides for the environmentally safe collection, treatment and reticulation of potable water supply to certain parts of the community. A reliable and safe water supply is provided to approximately 5,750 of the Ōpōtiki District population in Te Kaha, Ōpōtiki, Hikutaia, Waiotahi Drifts and Ohiwa. Efficient, safe and sustainable water supplies are essential for the social, economic and environmental well-being of the District. Reliable drinking water supports public health outcomes, industry growth and development and community safety by way of providing fire fighting capacity in urban areas.

You can use our online map service to

  • See aerial photography of properties
  • Find the location of council-owned water, wastewater and stormwater pipes
  • Click on a property to view Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) data
  • Measurement and drawing tools are included.

If you want to connect to the town’s water supply you can contact the Ōpōtiki District Council.


Our wastewater activity provides for the environmentally safe collection, treatment and disposal of the District’s sewage wastes. Council operates two schemes. One serves the township of Ōpōtiki and the Waiotahi Drifts while the other serves a small subdivision at Waihau Bay. Both schemes discharge primary treated effluent to field soakage systems. All other dwellings in the District are serviced by privately owned septic tank systems.

The collection, treatment and safe disposal of human and commercial/trade wastes are essential for the protection of public health and environmental outcomes in urban areas.

You can use our online map service to:

  • See aerial photography of properties
  • Find the location of council-owned water, wastewater and stormwater pipes
  • Click on a property to view Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) data
  • Measurement and drawing tools are included.

If you want to connect to the town’s wastewater you can contact the Ōpōtiki District Council.