2022-23 rates breakdown

This breakdown is based on an average residential property and may not be the same for everyone.

 Rate Amount 
Uniform annual general charge 22%
General rate (see table below for a breakdown) 37%
Wastewater 14%
Stormwater disposal 9%
Water supply 7%
Roads & footpaths 6%
Water firefighting capacity 2%
Roading resilience 1%
Earthquake strengthening 2%

The general rate shown in the table above covers the following (Includes Uniform annual general charge):

Activity Amount
Parks and reserves 21.1%
Libraries 7.8%
Whanganui & Partners – ecomonic development 7.4%
Community 6.8%
Sarjeant Gallery 6.0%
Governance and democracy 5.6%
Port & River 4.5%
Community and operational property 4.5%
Swimming pools 4.3%
Whanganui Regional Museum 3.8%
CBD maintenance 3.5%
Environmental policy  2.7%
Cooks Gardens 2.5%
Waste minimisation 2.5%
Earthquake strengthening  2.3%
Environmental health  1.7%
War Memorial Centre 1.6%
Airport 1.6%
Royal Whanganui Opera House 1.5%
Building control 1.4%
Animal control 1.2%
Resource management 1.1%
i-SITE Visitor Information Centre  1.0%
Emergency management 1.0%
Cemeteries  0.8%
New Zealand Glassworks – Te Whare Tuhua O Te Ao  0.6%
Community buildings 0.6%
Durie Hill elevator 0.6%
Investments  0.5%
City Endowment property portfolio -0.2%
Parking -0.3%