Land Information Memorandum

A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) will provide you with all the information held by the Whanganui District Council about any specific site within the Whanganui District.

We suggest that you apply for a Land Information Memorandum from the Council before you invest in a new property. You can apply online or download an application form(PDF, 301KB).

How much does a LIM cost?

Type Amount
Residential/Rural $250
Commercial $275

Cancellation / refunds

Time elapsed Amount refunded
Same date of receipt of application 75% of total cost
Between 1-2 working days 50% of total cost
After two working days No refund will be issued

How long does it take?

By law, the LIM must be processed within 10 working days from the time both the application and payment have been received.

LIMs are not processed on “non-working days” including Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (Wellington Anniversary, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, Sovereign’s Birthday, Matariki, Labour Day and the period between 20 December and 10 January annually) in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

All data is securely held in council files, as well as electronically, and is made available for public viewing where allowable under the Privacy Act.

What a LIM includes

  • Rates
  • Valuation
  • Water billing
  • Zoning
  • Designations
  • Resource consents
  • Subdivision
  • Building consents
  • Building notices
  • Plumbing
  • Water
  • Drainage
  • Liquor licensing
  • Health licences
  • Contaminated sites
  • Licence to occupy (Council land)
  • Swimming pools (Fencing Act)
  • Special site features such as erosion, avulsion (removal of land by water), falling debris, poor foundation materials, slippage/slope stability, alluvion (depositing of silt from flooding), flooding
  • And any other information Whanganui District Council holds that is considered relevant to the specific property.