
The Council operates a Litter Team that collects litter and illegally-dumped rubbish throughout Whanganui urban area, including roadsides and public parks.

Operating during the working week except Wednesdays, the team works to a set programme of areas for litter collection. The team also responds to reports of littering and illegal dumping from the public.

The Litter Team consists of a permanently-employed team leader, plus up to four additional workers who are employed on six-monthly contracts and are subsidised by Work and Income New Zealand.

Reporting illegal dumping
The fine for depositing litter in a public place or on private land without the occupier’s consent within the Whanganui urban area is $400.00. It was previously $100.00.

The Council supports the use of the Snap Send Solve smartphone app as a fast and easy way for members of the public to report illegal rubbish dumping to the Council using photos and GPS information.

Visit our Snap Send Solve page for more information.