Our role

Civil Defence Emergency Management Whanganui, led by Whanganui District Council, co-ordinates a wide range of groups and agencies like Police, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and emergency services during an emergency.

Its role is to:

  • help prevent loss of life
  • help the injured and relieve distress
  • help the community return to normal.

In an emergency, everyone needs to be self-reliant and prepared to survive without help in their own home for at least three days without assistance. What you do now to prepare can make a huge difference to how you and your family cope and helps emergency response services focus on people who are directly impacted.

An emergency could occur at any time in our district. Possible emergencies include:

  • floods
  • storms and severe weather
  • earthquakes
  • tsunami
  • volcanic eruptions
  • landslides
  • hazardous chemical spills (industrial/transport accident)
  • loss of water or power supply
  • influenza pandemic.

In the case of an emergency, Civil Defence Centres may be opened if there is a need and if the resources are available. In an emergency, these centres are the base for trained volunteers who provide help, advice and guidance for evacuees or impacted members of the public.

In most emergencies you should be able to stay in your home. Plan to be able to look after yourself and your household for at least three days or more. Assemble and maintain your emergency survival items for your home as well as a portable getaway kit in case you have to leave in a hurry. You should also have essential emergency items in your workplace and in your car.