Greytown’s drinking water system is at risk of failing. The only water source, a bore, is in bad condition. In 2022, Wellington Water reported that the bore was too fragile to upgrade. Now, residents are being asked to choose a solution for Greytown’s water problem, which will cost millions of dollars. South Wairarapa ratepayers who can connect to the district water supply will share the costs.
The cheapest option is to build a new bore in Soldiers Memorial Park for $3-4 million. This plan would remove the temporary water facility from the parking area and set up a new one away from it, allowing the car park to return to the community. Other options include:
1. Building a new water treatment plant and bore at the old borough council yard on West St for $5.8-6.8 million.
2. Purchasing new land on Kuratāwhiti St to build a water treatment plant and bore for $6.1-$7.3 million.
The current water infrastructure, located at Soldiers Memorial Park, is failing. The bore pump and motor need to be replaced, and the treatment plant is also in very poor condition. Ongoing maintenance cannot be done without disrupting the water supply, increasing the risk of failure.
Last April, a plan to build a new bore in Soldiers Memorial Park was rejected due to its cultural importance as a war memorial. The council thought the plan did not sufficiently address the water system’s needs. If the Soldiers Memorial Park option is accepted, it could take 1-2 years to build. The West St option could take 2-3 years for approval and construction. The site is connected to local debates about the land’s future use.
The Kuratāwhiti St option would take 3-5 years to build. New connections for wastewater and stormwater will be necessary for all options. The Greytown wastewater plant is full, so new connections are frozen for now.
The consultation on how to fund this project began on Monday and will close on October 9. Residents can choose between district-wide rates or a mix of district and Greytown targeted rates. The most expensive option could increase annual rates by $146, while the cheapest would be $80. A public event will be held at Soldiers Memorial Park on Saturday, September 28, from 10am to 12pm.