PGF announced $400,000 for a regional digital hub in Ōpōtiki and visited the Whakatōhea mussel factory site blessing. Construction is about to start on the factory site thanks to a previous $19.85m PGF investment.
Digital connectivity is an essential part of doing business while lifting regional productivity, economic development and the wellbeing of communities. The regional digital hub in Ōpōtiki will be open for local people and visitors to use.
The digital hub will offer digital services such as Wi-Fi, video conferencing and hot desks, and will connect the community to work, training, mentoring and business opportunities.
The investments in the Ōpōtiki harbour and projects like the Whakatōhea Mussel factory recognise that aquaculture provides one of the biggest opportunities for the Eastern Bay of Plenty to transform its economy.
The funding is the green light for the long-planned build of twin seawalls which will allow year-round, all-tide access to the town.
The build of Ōpōtiki’s new harbour entrance, was the best reason to “close the road and celebrate this milestone together as a community,” said Ōpōtiki Mayor Lyn Riesterer said.
Ōpōtiki celebrated nearly $80 million government investment with a street party over the weekend.