Queenstown councillor wants government to do more to solve city’s housing problems
Niki Gladding is concerned the local council is being lumped with fixing a problem central government should be tackling.
Niki Gladding is concerned the local council is being lumped with fixing a problem central government should be tackling.
Hastings District Council has bumped up its rates relief offering for yellow stickered property owners, after feedback the current process was unfair.
Analysis – It is an opportunity to rebuild homes and other buildings in a way that is responsive to future risks and sustainability need, writes engineering lecturer Krishanu Roy.
It’s no longer “Three Waters” reform, and it never was co-governance, the Government says, as it announces an overhaul of the contentious water reforms.
More than two months after the city’s anniversary weekend flooding, a fleet of portable cabins has arrived in Auckland to house people who were displaced.
根據房地產網站 realestate.co.nz 的報告,新西蘭的新房地產清單在 3 月份達到 16 年的低點,剛剛超過 9,200 房屋出售,與去年同月相比下降了 17.7%。該數字是自 2007 年 3 月以來最低的,當時 17,867 房屋上市出售。該報告還發現,平均房價同比下降了 11.7%,要價中位數為 856,627 紐元(597,000 美元),而大多數地區的房價下降了,奧克蘭的下降了 22%。但是,科羅曼德爾,馬爾伯勒和塔拉納基地區的列表有所增加。 Realestate.co.nz 發言人凡妮莎·威廉姆斯(Vanessa Williams)表示,幾個外部因素,包括與即將到來的大選有關的高水平的不確定性,導致了供應商之間的猶豫。「奇異果愛財產。但是在不確定性的時候,我們傾向於推遲買入或賣出的決定。我認為這就是我們在這裡看到的」,她說。威廉姆斯補充說,放緩可能是「這些市場轉變」的早期跡象,自 2023 年初以來,新上市下降。儘管市場上仍然有大約 30,000 房屋,但房屋總庫存正在以較慢的速度移動。
New Zealand could benefit from a massive investment program aimed at fixing the country’s unhealthy homes. According to a report by Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL), households could gain $116 billion worth of benefits despite a hit to economic growth. The report, commissioned by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ), looked at […]
New property listings across New Zealand hit a 16-year low in March, with just over 9,200 homes up for sale, a decrease of 17.7% compared to the same month last year, according to a report from property website realestate.co.nz. The number was the lowest for March since 2007 when 17,867 homes were listed for sale. […]
People in Queenstown are resorting to living in cars, tents, hostels and couch surfing as rentals are in very short supply.