Labour chooses Ibrahim Omer as candidate to replace Grant Robertson for Wellington Central
Ibrahim Omer has beaten former party president Claire Szabo to become the party’s candidate for the seat formerly held by Grant Robertson.
Ibrahim Omer has beaten former party president Claire Szabo to become the party’s candidate for the seat formerly held by Grant Robertson.
Jan Tinetti Labour MP The Prime Minister has been clear that the Government is focused on the bread-and-butter…
A day after quitting as police minister, Stuart Nash says he can and will continue to work in other ministerial roles.
Consumers may have to pick up the tab for electricity lines repairs after the extreme weather events of the past few months, unless the government considers other options, like tapping into funds set aside for climate emergencies. The Electricity Networks Association has estimated the cost of repairs to lines damaged by Cyclone Gabrielle as being […]
Foreign ministers of Japan and New Zealand have agreed to hold disarmament and nonproliferation talks amid growing fears of Russia using nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to issue a message towards a nuclear-free world from the city of Hiroshima, which was devastated by a US atomic bomb in August 1945, […]
The merger between RNZ and TVNZ was cancelled weeks ago, but the board set up to establish the new entity is still being paid out thousands of taxpayer dollars – with more to come.
Mayor of Hastings Sandra Hazlehurst has announced that she will run for the role again. Hazlehurst has been the city’s mayor for the past five years. If successful in the upcoming elections, she will be continuing in the role for a further three years. She said there were new drinking water assets, new housing, newly […]
Mayors say that local councils are struggling with the speed and scale of reforms that are being required of them. Local government is tasked with implementing a number of reforms, including Three Waters (in which drinking water, wastewater and storm water services will move from local government control to the control of centralised, publicly owned […]
Chinese Ambassador to New Zealand Wang Xiaolong called for the further deepening of the friendship between China and New Zealand at the annual conference of the New Zealand China Friendship Society (NZCFS) last month. He said that developing a strong relationship between the two countries is a long-term strategic decision. Both China and New Zealand […]
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will lead a trade mission to Australia this week as part of the government’s strategy to boost export growth and the return of tourists after Covid-19. She will be joined by 32 New Zealand business leaders in an itinerary that includes stops in Sydney and Melbourne. Ardern will address the Australia-New […]