Steph O'Sullivan Chief Executive Steph.OSullivan@whakatane.govt.nz Before joining the Council in late-2018, Steph worked as BoP Senior Advisor for the Government's Provincial Growth Fund, and previously served as a Treaty Settlement Negotiator for Raukawa iwi in the Waikato, and CEO of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ranginui. Stephanie also held numerous governance roles, including the Waikato River Authority, Tauranga People's Project and Chairing the Advisory Board for the University of Waikato Adams High Performance Centre.

David Bewley General Manager Development and Environment David.Bewley@whakatane.govt.nz The Development and Environment Services portfolio focusses on community safety through regulation and planning, and includes processing resource and building consents, verification and inspections of food premises and other environmental health issues, processing liquor licences, undertaking animal control, parking and bylaws enforcement and hazardous substances control. It also includes spatial and land use planning to provide for future growth and to achieve environmental outcomes, and emergency management.

Emlyn Hatch General Manager People & Engagement Emlyn.Hatch@whakatane.govt.nz Emlyn joined Whakatāne District Council in October 2019, having previously worked in the transport field of local government in Wales, before moving to New Zealand with his family in 2006. He has since held senior roles at Tauranga City Council and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council / Toi Moana. He has served as a trustee in the arts community and is currently a trustee of TEDx Tauranga.
Emlyn's portfolio includes management of Council's Governance, Customer Services, Community Development, Communications and Engagement, and People and Capability teams.
Emlyn's portfolio includes management of Council's Governance, Customer Services, Community Development, Communications and Engagement, and People and Capability teams.

Georgina Fletcher General Manager Community Experience Georgina.Fletcher@whakatane.govt.nz The Community Experience portfolio sees Georgina lead the teams responsible for Arts & Culture (including our libraries, galleries and our museum); Parks, Reserves, Cemeteries and Campgrounds; Sport and Recreation including our swimming pools and Council Properties and Facilities.

Paul Warbrick Kaihautū - Strategic Māori Partnerships paul.warbrick@whakatane.govt.nz Paul began in the newly-established role of Kaihautū - Strategic Māori Partnerships in April 2021. In taking this role, Paul returned home after working predominantly in Rotorua in recent years where he worked in Operations and Māori Relationship Roles in the Central North Island for Te Papa Atawhai (DOC).
Gary Connolly Chief Financial Officer & General Manager Business Partnering Gary.Connolly@whakatane.govt.nz Gary joined Whakatāne District Council in June 2022, bringing with him a passion for working collaboratively to build resilient, thriving and healthy communities.

Steven Perdia General Manager of Strategy & Transformation Steven.Perdia@whakatane.govt.nz Steven joined Whakatāne District Council in July 2021, having come from Porirua City Council where he was the General Manager - Partnerships & Growth. Prior to that, Steven was working with the Ministry of Education as the lead negotiator for the closure of the Charter Schools programme. Steven spent six years in post-quake Christchurch leading the economic recovery engagement and strategy.
Steven has an honours degree in Economics and Strategic Management from Waikato University. He also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Management from Auckland Medical School, and property sales, leasing and management qualifications from Australia.
Steven's role here is to oversee Corporate Planning, Reporting, Strategy & Policy, Bylaws, Economic Development, Tourism and Events, Strategic Property and change projects.
Steven has an honours degree in Economics and Strategic Management from Waikato University. He also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Management from Auckland Medical School, and property sales, leasing and management qualifications from Australia.
Steven's role here is to oversee Corporate Planning, Reporting, Strategy & Policy, Bylaws, Economic Development, Tourism and Events, Strategic Property and change projects.