Cemetery memorials

Monuments provide a lasting memorial to a loved one and are often an important part in the grieving process.

A memorial placement can be authorised by the owner of the exclusive right of interment or, if the owner is deceased, the immediate next of kin.

The Council has a Cemetery Monument Policy that sets out guidelines for both officers and the public as to acceptable dimensions, materials and design.

It is understandable and expected that families will want memorials to be a personalised reflection of their loved one and this is achievable through the Monument Policy. The reasoning behind the policy is to have durability and to respect other memorials already existing within the cemetery. Specific detail regarding what will be allowed can be found within the policy document.

Because of the health and safety implications of incorrectly installed monuments only approved, qualified monumental masons may install a monument. They must comply with Council’s health and safety requirements and preferably be a member of the New Zealand Master Monumental Masons Association.

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