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New plan aims to make Whakatāne more accessible
New plan aims to make Whakatāne more accessible
Watercare says sediment and mineral build-up are likely causes of the discoloured water and work is underway to return it to normal.
Access barriers to PET-CT scans removed
Smokefree Amendment Bill introduced
There are very few true vegetarians in New Zealand and vegans are about as rare as a steak before it even hits the grill, a new study has found.
Людей предупреждают не собирать моллюсков в любой точке побережья от Те-Аванги до Бэй-Вью, поскольку в диких мидиях, протестированных в рамках мониторинга после циклонов, были обнаружены вредные вирусы и бактерии. Кроме того, в Новой Зеландии было рекомендовано населению по безопасности пищевых продуктов не собирать и не употреблять моллюсков, собранных на восточном побережье Северного острова, из-за наличия […]
The Red Cross in Vanuatu believes sending field workers into communities to warn people to get ready for Cyclone Lola has saved lives. The storm was still a category four and five storm when it hit the islands, the fourth cyclone to hit the region in the last three years. The provinces of Torba and Penama are believed to have suffered the worst damage, but communication was lost to the area last night and hasnt been restored. It’s estimated up to 25,000 people have been critically affected so far. Lola has since been downgraded to category three but the winds are still gusting up to 205km an hour. Soneel Ram from the Red Cross is in Port Vila and describes the damage they know about. [embed] https://players.brightcove.net/6093072280001/default_default/index.html?videoId=6339817852112
More non-smokers vaping – survey
Bedbugs are prehistoric parasites, evolving some 100 million years ago when dinosaurs roamed the Earth: “When dinosaurs died off, bedbugs did not.”
Celebrating 45th Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge