The New Zealand government is supporting a three-year plan to help grow the ‘strong wool’ sector.
Strong wool refers to a grade of wool with thick fibres. Minister of Agriculture Damien O’Connor said the government was backing the plan, called Wool Impact, with $4.5 million from the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures Fund.
The purpose of Wool Impact is to facilitate innovation in the sector and to invest in new product categories and new international markets.
“Wool Impact is charged with making [strong wool] a compelling and affordable alternative to synthetic fibres, and reversing the significant under-investment of the past three decades,” O’Connor said.
O’Connor said that there are many uses for strong wool and now is the time for consumers and businesses to make the most of the natural fibre.
“As consumers turn more towards products made with care for people and place, New Zealand can play a leading role in supplying this wonderful fibre to the world,” he said.
“Around the world I want designers, procurement managers, landlords and homeowners seeing value in wool – not cost. And I want to see sheep farmers investing in rams for wool production. Those will be the metrics of this project’s success.”