
Address: 27-29 Jellicoe Court, Kawerau
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Saturdays from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Phone: 07306 9041

Reduced Hours:

Please note that there may be occasional reduced hours due to public holidays or unforeseen circumstances. For more information, please visit our website or call us.

Who Can Use the Library?

Everyone is welcome to use the Kawerau District Library. All you need to do is become a member.

Services Available:

As a member of our library, you will have access to a range of services, including free WiFi, printing and photocopying services, computer access, children’s programmes and story time, adult book clubs, and homebound delivery for those who are unable to visit the library.

Facilities Available:

Our library provides a comfortable and welcoming environment for our members. We have a range of facilities available, including reading areas, study rooms, meeting rooms, and a community noticeboard.

How to Become a Member:

To become a member, simply visit us at the library with two forms of identification that confirm your name and address. This can be a driver’s licence, utility bill, or other official document. Membership is free, and once you have joined, you can access all of our services and facilities.